Wednesday, 6 March 2013

First Year Timeline

You were born on  February 15, 2012 at 7:52am. You were 6lbs 11oz and 19 inches tall.
1st Bath - Feb 21
1st Doctor visit - Feb 22. 6lba 14oz.
Umbilical cord fell off - Feb 22
1st walk with the dogs - Feb 27
2 weeks old - 7lbs 8.5oz
Starting to react to loud noises - March 1
Met Great Grandpa Kellner, first outing- March 2
Met Great Grandma Toole - March 4
Met Great Grandpa Toole - March 8
1st shopping trip with Mom - March 9
Rolled over for the first time. Front to back - March 14

1st trip to the farm - March 17
Started sucking on your fists - March 24
1st smile - March 25
Went out and about ALL day 1st time - March 27
Tried your first bottle - April 4
Started baby group every Thursday - April 5
Watched Dad play hockey, you pooped on mom and I and had no change of clothes. Stuck at the rink with poop on me - April 7
1st Easter - April 8
Professional Family Photos - April 9
1st time you had friends over. Max and Holt - April 14

First vaccinations - April 16
Had bad reaction to your first shots for a couple days - April 18 to 20
SO many smiles today - April 26
Spent time in the hospital with your dad :( - April 27
Met Great Aunt Sherry - April 29
1st Vacation. Went to Banff - May 1 to 4
Starting to respond to toys - May 3
Slept 5 hours in a row - May 6
Making lots of noises. Lots of talking - May 8
Really discovering your voice today - May 10
1st giggle - May 12

Started sucking on top lip and making noises - May 17
Finally pooped after 8 days of no poop - May 18
1st nap in your crib - May 20
You LOVE your jumparoo - May 21
Started reaching and grabbing at things - May 23
Started grabbing onto your feet - May 28
Moved you from the bassinet to the playpen bassinet because you got too big - May 31
1st real laugh. Got it by playing peek a boo - June 2
Thought we saw a tooth coming in - June 3
Almost rolling from back to front - June 5
Getting more hair - June 6
Holding onto a toy. Loves his ball - June 7
You found your feet - June 11
Grabbing on to your feet and holding on - June 12
1st cold. Super stuffed up and coughing - June 13

You pulled of your socks - June 18
Still coughing and stuffed up - June 20
1st big belly laugh - June 23
Started strengthing legs and standing - June 26
You are yelling and making so much noise - June 27
1st Flight. Took a trip to Regina - June 28 -30th
1st time eating rice cereal - June 30
You are getting louder - July 3
Starting tl accept food, opening mouth - July 4
20 weeks - 14lbs 14oz
1st accident with the stroller. You were not hurt, Mommy was! - July 6
Second set of shots - July 9
Rolled from back to front - July 13
Started trying a sleep routein - July 13

Fell asleep on your own in the crib. Put you in wide awake - July 15
Diaper rash free to this point - July 16
Making new facial expressions - July 21
Making new noises - July 22
Refused to nap for the first time, all day and continued to fight naps all week - July 23
23 weeks old - 15lbs 14 oz
Started sleeping on your side - July 27
1st real food... sweet potatoes - July 28
Carrots - July 30
Super grumpy all day... carrots? - July 31
Your favourite book is Whinnie the Poohs Sleep Time Hum
Always sleeping on your side now - August 1
Rolling both ways no problem - August 2
Banana - August 3